Group Your Friends
You have more than one group of friends: Work friends, Football friends.
Clarity allows to address them through lists.
Easily Read News
The more friends, the more status updates, the more clutter.
Clarity offers a clean reading experience.
Also just read what your best friends write - utilizing lists.
Just Write to Some
Not everything you write is relevant for all your friends. That smiling cat? Great for the pub guys, but a no-no for the co-workers.
Limit recipients using lists.

Clarity is a Facebook desktop client for your Mac that aims at simplifying your friends' news streams.
Don't you think that the whole Facebook experience can feel cluttered and overwhelming? Clarity sorts your news stream, clears it up, and offers enhanced filtering options.
This way it looks and feels more streamlined and less cluttered. Additionally, it integrates well into your desktop.
And even better, it also adds enhanced privacy options, so that you can write status updates that are only visible to a selected subset of your friends.