
› 2008/08/12


Das stimmt irgendwie sogar; während Bush und Co die Menschenrechte nur Menschen des eigenen Landes zugestehen, ist es in China quasi genau umgekehrt; alle ANDEREN können machen was sie wollen, aber den eigenen Landsmännern gehören so grundlegende Dinge wie freie Rede natürlich abgesprochen.

Lars zu den unterschiedlichen Ansichten zu Menschenrechten zwischen China und den USA.

› 2008/08/12


So they'll just export the pollution to a different city which will manufacture goods for them.

Regarding China's attempt to build a complete green city. Ideology often positively taints the perspective on the uncountable correlations that make up economy AND ecology.

› 2008/08/12


Simple is hard. Easy is harder. Invisible is hardest. So goes one of the many proverbs of our computer lore.

Interesting comment from Jean-Louis Gassée, former CEO of Apple and later creator of the very appealing but ultimately "microsofted" BeOS.

› 2008/08/10


Remembering that the Patriot Act was dropped on Congress just 20 days after 9/11 — the Department of Justice had had it sitting in a drawer for years — Lessig asked Clarke if DoJ had a similar proposed law, an "i-Patriot Act," to drop in the event of a "cyber-9/11." Clarke responded, "Of course they do. And Vint Cerf won't like it."

I don't even want to imagine, how an i911 would turn out for the web as we know it.

› 2008/08/10

I don't even want to imagine, how an i911 would turn out for th

› 2008/08/01

Fascinating quote by Linus Torvalds.

› 2008/07/28

Torque game engine for the iPhone. Licensing seems to be design

› 2008/07/28


Torque for the iPhone is licensed on a per title basis. For specific pricing and licensing information, please contact garagegames.

Torque game engine for the iPhone. Licensing seems to be designed as a money-making machine. Apart from that, this will like totally flood the iPhone game market with junk.

› 2008/07/26


Security people are often the black-and-white kind of people that I can’t stand. I think the OpenBSD crowd is a bunch of masturbating monkeys, in that they make such a big deal about concentrating on security to the point where they pretty much admit that nothing else matters to them.

Fascinating quote by Linus Torvalds.

› 2008/07/22


Software engineer Satoshi Nakajima, the lead architect of Microsoft's Windows 95, picked up a Mac for the first time two years ago. He was so impressed, he says he'll never again touch a PC again.

Pieces of a puzzle.

› 2008/07/21 3.0

› 2008/07/17


A story by Judi Sohn, who edits WebWorkerDaily, one of our growing portfolio of blogs, was featured on the home page of Yahoo last night. The story got voted up via Yahoo’s Buzz, a service akin to Digg, except much more powerful.

might of yahoo buzz

› 2008/07/16


Just remember 5 days isn’t a long time in this type of technology area, in the corporate world fat grumpy middle-managers and overpaid PMs would be just about ready to think about scheduling a “kick off meeting” in their outlook calendars, or in some less crufty organizations the first milestone of “open the iPhone box” would have been more or less completed

that's the difference between loving work and having to do work. it's what sets corporations apart (there are corporations that just work in this meme)

› 2008/07/14


Apple has announced that it has racked up 1 million iPhone sales and 10 Million Apps in the very first weekend.  Last time around, it took 74 days to sell that many phones.


› 2008/07/11


"Hackers are deluging web users with malware-laden spam claiming that World War III has started following a US invasion of Iran. Security experts warned [yesterday] that spam emails with subject lines including 'Third World War has begun,' '20000 US Soldiers in Iran,' and 'US Army crossed Iran's borders' have been intercepted. The emails contain links to a malicious webpage that displays what appears to be a video player showing the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion."

spammer verbreiten falsche nachrichten.. ob man das irgendwo in einer arbeit nutzen kann?

› 2008/07/11


What I didn't expect was that Apple would blow away the others on the interface, and I tip my hat to them in this regard.

From all the iPhone naysayers, here's one of the few who actually understood by now why the iPhone was pinned for success.

› 2008/07/11


I still don't think it is a great phone, though, and without Apple marketing I doubt it would have done nearly as well. Apple could probably sell refrigerators to Eskimos.

It's amazing, how little Enderle seems to know about business and the cognitive / effective borders of great marketing.

› 2008/07/11


UPDATE: MuscleNerd says there are 200 people ahead of him, and about 500 units in stock. He doesn’t want to get physical to get one, we told him to chill, he needs to act more like an Apple fanboy and they generally don’t have muscles.

Those eater-european iPhone hackers are rather wity as it seems.

› 2008/07/11


The market for Web development technologies appears ripe for consolidation. And yet, the barriers to entry are so low -- many of the tools are free -- that the market forces that might ordinarily eliminate competitors don't seem to apply here.

So true. One of the complexities I face from project to project is wondering which of the gazillion tools might be the right one for this job. And after one finished learning a specific toolkit, another one comes around the corner, that offers far more, better or other things - so the learning process starts again.

› 2008/07/10


360desktop transforms your desktop into a panoramic workspace - with more space for everything.

Watch the Video. What a piece of junk. Whoever (angel?) funded this has obviously no idea of current technological advancements and usability.

› 2008/07/09


Geeks love the chaos and security challenges that is posed by Windows.

I love slashdot for it's insightfull comments. This one relates to the 'Linux for Housewives, XP for Geeks' article which states that Asus Eee PC sales record show that Housewives tend to by the Eee PC with Linux, while 'Geeks' (how I hate this word) tend to choose Linux.

› 2008/07/09


"This makes me learn better. It's like playing a game," she said.

Education experts say her school, the Lilla G. Frederick Pilot Middle School in Boston, offers a glimpse into the future.

› 2008/07/09


So it was submitted into the ‘World News’ category, and some would argue - like I - that it belongs in comedy.

Das Problem ist, dass die Kategorie-Zuordnung nicht unbedingt gut funktioniert, wie man an diesem Beispiel sehen kann.

› 2008/07/09


There is no way around it.  You vote for Mugabe or you risk your life.  Period.

This really, truly exemplifies the problem at Digg.  I don’t want this to turn into a rant, but this story or a variation easily hit the front page of Reddit, Propeller, and several other social media sites.  On Digg, it went nowhere.

Dieser politische Artikel zu Mugabe und Zimbabwe hat in anderen social media sites die Frontpage erreicht nicht aber bei Digg. Digg = unpolitisch?