How can we as a community help expanding the reach of Swift
Taming SourceKitService for less Xcode memory consumption
Utilize value types to quickly determine a differences between two sets of data
Swift 3 replaces NSData with the Data value type. Implement a Doom Wad file parser with the new Data type to understand the differences.
Once you add associated types to an enum the task of creating instances quickly becomes very repetitive. See how a simple trick can greatly simplify this
Mixing optional and non-optional functions in a guard is impossible and requires breaking up the lines. Here's a neat solution on how to circumvent this.
Three quick examples for how you can use guard to write shorter and simpler code
A tutorial on how to create a Swift Package for X11 on Linux and use it to write a simple X11 app
This quickly explains how you use private apis from Swift in order to figure out the manufacturer of your fancy new iPhone 6S CPU
Swift 2.0 includes a new way of handling exceptions via the try? keyword. This is a quick post to explain the basics, and why this is cool.
Swift's try / catch error handling is great. However, you can't use it in an async context. This article briefly explains which options you have if you intend to use Error Handling asynchronously
See how you can even overload methods in a generic manner by using protocols
Swift's @autoclosure allows to extend the Swift syntax in fantastic ways. Observe how we re-implement the cond function from Lisp