Feeling better
Feeling better
That’s me. Smelly bastard. That’s at about 23pm at work. The beer came free. yay.
I had a hell of a week. We had several deadlines coming up at work this
week, and in addition to that my main-co-worker had one week off. So I
was pretty much alone and had to work on things I didn’t know jack
about because they had been his tasks before. I worked like mad,
organized, structurized, and tried as hard as possible to somehow meet
these deadlines. The deeper I got into it, the more I lost contact to
the real world outside of my 4 Screens at work. They say that
programmers, when really situated in a problem, leave the material
world and enter something described as (couldn’t-find-it-on-wikipedia).
That kind of thing happened to me. I stopped talking to my co-workers,
sat all day with my iPod in front of the screens and coded like mad,
reimplemented a bluetooth-interface, reimplemented a http-interface and
debugged some c-parts of our software (which was quite difficult since
I only code c once every 3-4 months so I had to ‘get into it’ again).
Even after work, at home, I didn’t leave this state and thus I cared
less and less for my outer me. I stopped shaving, I stopped showering,
I stopped eating, and more or less lived on coffee and water. On friday
then the non-plus-ultra happened and I fetched a cold which resulted in
a terrible headdache throughout the whole day, making it even more
difficult for me to concentrate on the subject. We kinda missed the
deadline, but we kinda managed to still fullfill the task. Difficult to
explain. I have one week off work now. I feel better now. The cold is
gone and I showered. And I shaved. And I ate again (good argentinian
meat). And I answered mails, And I talked to a friend via phone (real
world (!)). And I spend one whole day outside.
So. I’m back. And I’m still on fire.