All you IE5 for Mac haters combine
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John Oxton criticizes Internet Explorer 5 for Mac, labeling it as a problematic choice for users. His experiences highlight the challenges faced when explaining site compatibility issues to clients still relying on this outdated browser. The piece invites stories from others dealing with similar frustrations, creating a space for shared experiences around the struggles of using IE5 on Mac OS X.
All you IE5 for Mac haters combine
John Oxton has a magnificient rant against Internet Exploer 5 Mac (the beast) and the people using it. I’ve myself had to explain to clients, frequently, why their site doesn’t work in IE5 and why they’re like.. the only ones on the whole wide world still using this piece of crap on a great operating system like Mac OS X.
So if you, too, have your stories to share head over to his site and add some comments so he feels better :)