Safarilicious Progress
Safarilicious Progress
I've been quite busy lately (workwise) and thus couldn't invest enough time into Safarilicous to include everything which popped up latelty, but, judging by my current schedule, I think that I'll make major progress this weekend so that I hope to release 0.79 within the next week. Still no Panther compatibility as I've yet to find time (and a machine) to install Panther onto. But I think a friend has an older iMac 233 (yes, Blueberry) which runs Panther, so I might find a solution here too.
The next version won't be a Universal Binary either, although it shouldn't be more than the switch of a button, but I might have access to an Mac OS X86 system soon, so I'll just wait that bit so that I can actually test on X86. (Not that anybody would need an X86 version as Rosetta runs just fine ;) )