floating free
floating free
Purple haze lingering above me, glowworms of all shades and colors swirling around me. Impressions ransack my mind and negate contaminations of the past. Floating free I cannot surmise the direction I am heading for. Flickering uncertainity forms the chaos novel that surrounds me every fragment of a second.
”The tree’s look different. He hasn’t been to this part of the forrest before. Fresh air fills his lungs and makes him feel comfortable - even though he went astray days ago. He sets for the direction of the sun, as he seems to know that each path implies a similar level of insecurity.
Pounding through wet moss, his feets feel as if they’ve been preparing since ages for the task ahead”
Light forms pictures and makes me wonder how I will feel after the next breath. My past unravels before me time after time again, with a rising confidence of having gone for the right decisions.
The impressions come and go. And every impression ignites my imagination, drop-dead gorgeous pictures appear. I question my reasons less and less.
One can’t expect to disassemble the devastatements that have been building up for years, in weeks. One can’t expect to immediately gain concrete feedback on large-scale actions. But while the purple haze flickers again, I feel a first herald of the implications of the decisions.
It’s 3am, I’m strolling through Münster and feel the lowering weight of my burden disappear for a second. I seem to float free. I seem to be free. A good path hopefully lies ahead - I’m heading for the sun.
Wish me luck.