I don't even want to imagine, how an i911 would turn out for th

In a discussion about the aftermath of 9/11, Lessig questioned Clarke on the potential existence of an 'i-Patriot Act,' designed for a hypothetical 'cyber-9/11.' Clarke confirmed such a proposal does exist, hinting it may not sit well with internet pioneers like Vint Cerf, raising concerns about implications for the web.

I don’t even want to imagine, how an i911 would turn out for th

Via news.slashdot.org

„Remembering that the Patriot Act was dropped on Congress just 20 days after 9/11 — the Department of Justice had had it sitting in a drawer for years — Lessig asked Clarke if DoJ had a similar proposed law, an "i-Patriot Act," to drop in the event of a "cyber-9/11." Clarke responded, "Of course they do. And Vint Cerf won't like it.""
I don't even want to imagine, how an i911 would turn out for the web as we know it.

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