Quoted from http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/10/01/2122243&from=rss

Quoted from http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/10/01/2122243&from=rss

via tech.slashdot.org/

The Guardian has an interesting story on Vint Cerf, the ‘father of the internet,’ in which he says there’s no silver bullet for scammers, spammers and criminals running zombie networks and porn-to-porn file swapping because ‘the internet was designed that way.’ Cerf adds, ‘Like every medium, the internet can be abused. When we think about it, we can commit fraud locally and internationally using the telephone system and postal service.

spam, das Internet war so designed, dass spam möglich ist. es lässt sich nicht einfach so beheben.