Palm reports $506m in losses, hopes for it's next gen Nova OS
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Palm's operating system history is marked by inconsistent development efforts. They oscillated between creating a Linux OS, acquiring BeOS, and announcing various incompatible products without delivering. This turbulent strategy raises questions about missed opportunities, such as not adopting Google Android when it launched.
Palm reports $506m in losses, hopes for it’s next gen Nova OS
There was a great summary of their past development efforts in a Slashdot comment, some months ago:
Let's make a Linux OS! No, wait, let's buy BeOS and use that! Great, it works, now let's not ship any products that run it! Now let's announce another Linux OS! Now let's announce an UMPC with a different, incompatible Linux OS than the first one - I mean, second one. Now on shipping day, let's cancel the UMPC and "commit" to the first Linux OS! Let's write an emulator that runs on another company's tablet, and give it away for free - but not ship a product of our own that runs it! And in the meantime, to keep our customers entertained, let's keep selling the Palm name to ourselves over and over again!
Seriously, given Palms history regarding Operating System development, if I was Palm, I would have jumped on the Google Android bandwagon right when it came out.