Quoted from http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1997/10/20/1997_10_20_248_TNY_CARDS_000379653
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Quoted from http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1997/10/20/1997_10_20_248_TNY_CARDS_000379653
One important lesson Marx taught is that capitalism tends toward monopoly—an observation that was far from obvious in his day—giving rise to a need for strong regulation… Likewise endogenous-growth theory models are undoubtedly Marxist in spirit, since their main aim is to demonstrate how technical progress emerges from the competitive process, and not from Heaven, as in the neoclassical model.
Schon auf Marx geht die Idee zurück, dass technologischer Fortschritt durch Konkurrenzkampf definiert wird.