Quoted from http://www.fakesteve.net/2009/10/i-was-talking-to-larry-about-borg.html

Quoted from http://www.fakesteve.net/2009/10/i-was-talking-to-larry-about-borg.html

via www.fakesteve.net/

Larry’s like, Look, the Borg has never been out ahead on anything. The difference is, they used to be able to catch up. They’ve always been copiers. That’s been their business model from the start. Let others go out and create a market, then copy what they’ve done, sell it for less, and crush them. They got into the OS business by stealing DOS from someone else. They created Windows by stealing Apple’s ideas. They got into desktop apps by copying Lotus and WordPerfect and then having the bright idea to bundle all the stuff into one cheapo suite. They pulled the trick off again with Internet Explorer versus Netscape, in the late 90s — that was the last time they were able to let someone get out ahead of them and then pivot and copy and give it away free and take them over. By the end of the 90s they had broken through 50% market share in browsers, and that was it for Netscape.

wie innovation bei microsoft funktionierte, als der markt es noch erlaubte.