Steve Ballmer retires from Microsoft

What will be the implications of Steve Ballmer's retirement from Microsoft

Steve Ballmer retires from Microsoft

I never liked Ballmer. He was a bean counter; not a technologist.

Now the question is, whoever will be next at the helm, will he / she be able to reverse directions and steer Microsoft into more relevant and fruitful territories.

Ballmer’s Microsoft was always late to the party, overseeing important technology trends and society transformations out of, I’d call it a mix of ignorance and arrogance; maybe they were also too blended by their previous successes. The way he dismissed iPhones, iPads, the way they developed their OS. Or the Zune, or Bing, there has been much criticism over the years. I don’t know which moves would have been better (except for seeing the mobile future and the suckyness that was Windows Mobile 6 in time), but Ballmer was always more of a numbers guy I hear, and less of a visionary. I hope their next big guy is going to have more vision.

This may be a good day to buy their stock, if you like 50/50 bets.