TwitVault: Easily Archive and Search Your Twitter Data with our Syncable Desktop App

TwitVault is a cross platform desktop app that uses the Twitter api to download your profile data. It can also sync your profile to retrieve new data (with some limitations) and it can import some data from the official Twitter archives. You can then browse and search your offline Twitter data from the convenience of a native (well, partially native) deskop app.

TwitVault: Easily Archive and Search Your Twitter Data with our Syncable Desktop App

I just released TwitVault: A cross-platform desktop app that archives your Twitter data (mentions, responses, profiles, lists, more) and makes it offline browsable and searchable. It can also import the official Twitter archives. #rust

More info here

One cool thing about TwitVault is that it can show your Tweets reverse chronological. I had a lot of fun today browsing through my old Tweets from 2007.

My favourite, from 06 June 2007:

Preparing my Spanish homework and installing Leopard for the wwdc

MacOS X Leopard 😀