🏃♂️ Bevy Quickmenu: Streamlined, Multi-Input Game Menus for Bevy Engine
I created a new library for the Bevy Engine
Every game needs menus. Be it for the settings, for a pause screen, or for the main menu when the user enters the game.
While Bevy UI allows building menus, it is a cumbersome process especially if nested menus are needed. Even worse, though, is the effort required if you want your menu to be accessible with a keyboard, a gamepad, or the mouse.
Bevy Quickmenu offers all that. It is a super lightweight way of building in-game menus that can be controlled by all input devices. It even offers a simple way of having hover
states. Everything can also be customized.
- Super simple menu plugin for bevy, building upon Bevy UI
- Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad input is processed
- Support mouse hover states in simplified Stylesheet
- Many customizations possible (see examples/custom.rs)