New Contravariance Episode: Xcode 10.2 beta 1 and the Swift Community Podcast
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Starting fresh into the new year with a discussion on Xcode 10.2 beta 1, the Swift Community Podcast, and more
We just released a new ContraVariance Podcast Episode:
Contact information
Xcode 10.2 beta 1
- Xcode 10.2 beta 1 Release Notes
- Result in Swift 5
- Application Binary Interface (ABI) stability
- App Thinning
- Playgrounds “might not execute”
- Veronica Ray’s Xcode tips and tricks Twitter thread
- Paul Hudson’s “Xcode in 20 seconds” video series
- Xcode Keyboard Shortcuts (⌃+⌘+R and - ⌘+⇧+J)
- Exclusive Memory Access at Runtime
- LLDB debugger’s “v” (frame variable)
- Swift 3 support dropped
- “Taken for Granted”, Bas’ talk at try! Swift NYC 2018
- Xcode Dark Mode
- Memory Ownership Model
- Async/Await
- Swift Concurrency Manifesto
- App Binary vs Download Size
The Swift Community Podcast
- The Swift Community Podcast website
- The Swift Community Podcast on GitHub
- The Swift Community Podcast on Twitter
- Garric Nahapetian
- John Sundell
- Chris Lattner
- Swift Weekly Brief
- The Swift Community Podcast: Scaling A Codeless Open Source Swift Community with Bas Broek