
› 2008/09/06


I just saw Microsoft's much ballyhooed Jerry Seinfeld ad, and can say without equivocation it's one of the worst, most pointless ads in history. If this is Microsoft's response to the "I'm a Mac" ads, it should fold up its tent and tell the world to switch to Apple.


› 2008/09/06


But people also use Twitter for much more interesting things, and we'd like to be your tour guide through the less-explored portions of the Twittersphere (yep, another "sphere" for you to be aware of). Welcome to Twitter's more interesting, more useful, and more innovative side.

Zusammenfassung der unterschiedlichen Nutzungsweisen die es inzwischen für Twitter gibt.

› 2008/09/03

Google Chrome As An OS

› 2008/09/03


While many humans at least aspire to monogamous relationships, pairing among our animal colleagues can range from complete monogamy to an "anything goes" approach to sexual commitment.

niko baitz!

› 2008/09/02

Auszeichnung. Digital Signage made in Germany

› 2008/09/02


In the void between blogging and instant messaging, microblogging has emerged to provide users with yet another medium for electronic communication. Microblogging services, such as Twitter and, allow users to post short messages (140 characters or less) for their friends and followers. The technology offers a sort of universal back-channel for real-world events and helps bring Internet acquaintances closer together.

short description of twitter

› 2008/09/02


Like all new mediums, microblogging is ripe for artistic exploitation. New York Times writer Matt Richtel set out to test Twitter's literary potential by writing a "Twiller", a thriller story in 140-character increments. Richtel valiantly attempts to convey a cliché murder mystery—complete with dead hookers, an amnesia-afflicted killer, and (of course) Barack Obama.

Twitter being used for writig short stories

› 2008/09/01


If you want a Java job, just update your resume to say that you know Java. I have met lots of J2EE experts at work, who would not be able to code a "Hello World" program, if their jobs depended on it. Also learn lots of buzz words.

hehe, I've met those 'experts' too. Big corporations tend to 'collect' them.

› 2008/09/01

Great Thoughts need to be Shared.

› 2008/08/31


aber mal im ernst. von tieferer beleuchtung oder sozio-kultur vermag ich in dieser antwort nichts zu erkennen, wohl aber eine unfassbar feinen beobachtungsgabe für gut abgehangene klischees. horx erzählt natürlich quatsch. offensichtlich hat er schon lange nicht mehr mit jemand anders als seiner frau gefrühstückt und war schon lange nicht mehr im kaffeehaus oder der ubahn. beim frühstück kann man sowohl seine informationen mit einem laptop oder handy „upgraden“ und mit diesen geräten das gespräch mit dem partner oder den kindern verhindern, genauso wie kaffeehäuser heutzutage voll mit leuten sind, die das anstarren anderer leute mit hilfe von laptops, handys oder iphones vermeiden.

› 2008/08/31


It is such a relief to hear the music swell up at the end of a Roland Emmerich movie, its restorative power giving us new hope. Billions of people may have died, but at least the major characters have survived. Los Angeles was wiped out by flying saucers in Emmerich's "Independence Day," New York was assaulted in his "Godzilla," and now, in "The Day After Tomorrow," Emmerich outdoes himself: Los Angeles is leveled by multiple tornados, New York is buried under ice and snow, the United Kingdom is flash-frozen, and lots of the Northern Hemisphere is wiped out for good measure. Thank god that Jack, Sam, Laura, Jason and Dr. Lucy Hall survive, along with Dr. Hall's little cancer patient.

das happy end in emmerich filmen hinterfragend

› 2008/08/31


Die New York Times hat diese Woche einen Artikel publiziert, der eine Lösung für dieses Problem skizziert: YouTube stellt für Medienunternehmen eine Technologie namens Video ID bereit, mit denen Rechte verletzende Videos aufgespürt werden können. Sie können dann das Entfernen der Videos veranlassen, oder sie können es auch dabei belassen und die vom jeweiligen Video erzielten Werbeeinnahmen kassieren. Überraschenderweise nehmen laut Google 90% der 300 Unternehmen, die Video ID verwenden, die letztere Möglichkeit war. Im Durchschnitt verdoppelt sich dabei das Volumen der von ihnen monetarisierbaren Views.

› 2008/08/31


Right. The thing is though that you go to a conference and everyone is using a MacBook but you go into any corporate space or pretty much any personal space and very few people are using desktop Macs.

The problem is, that there is no real desktop mac. The Mac Pro is way too expensive and the Mac Mini lacks Graphics Power, a seconds monitor connector and expandability.

› 2008/08/30


Das Schöne an Twitter: Man darf ungestraft Wahrheiten zuspitzen und simplifizieren.

Sixtus über die Vorteile von Twitter. Etwas provokant.

› 2008/08/29


What it does do is sound a ringing endorsement of the basic principle that UGC sites can, in fact, count as "service providers" under the DMCA. While there's still plenty to argue about in every particular case, that general reassurance will be comforting to everyone in the Web 2.0 world. and thus others can be considered dmca safe harbours.

› 2008/08/27


It appears that they are expecting big things from the iPhone market and advertisers, as they will be publishing the quarterly iPhone mag in paper and online versions.

On why the Publishers of Smartphone & Pocket PC stalled the magazine in favour of a new iPhone publication.

› 2008/08/27

Ubiquity, a new Firefox extension from Mozilla Labs

› 2008/08/27


While being able to view Flickr photos shot in your city or to see local microblogging posts on Twitter is fun and all, we haven't seen anyone really aggregate location-based media into one lifestream to provide a birds-eye view of what's going on across news outlets, social networks, and other UGC communities.

fwix kombiniert alle location aware social services in ein konglomerat

› 2008/08/27


The command interface is conceptually similar to desktop launcher tools like Enso, Quicksilver, and GNOME-Do. Unlike those tools, it places a strong emphasis on web content manipulation and web services. In many ways, it's like an interactive mash-up system. Ubiquity can respond to user instructions in several different ways. It can directly alter the contents of a web page, it can manipulate the browser interface, it can load a page in a new tab, and it can display output in a notification pop-up.

Ubiquity, a new Firefox extension from Mozilla Labs.

First the new Javascript Engine, which surpasses Squirrelfish by large amounts, now this. As much as I love Safari, if Firefox continues to add exciting features at such a strong pace, I seriously have to consider switching back to the beloved fox.

› 2008/08/26


As I remind my teammates, "I swear because I care"--and I care a lot, at high volume. 

john nack on his managing of photoshop

› 2008/08/26


On August 18 and 19, you submitted questions for NewsTrust founder Fabrice Florin about his (non-profit) site's ability to live up to its claim, "Your guide to good journalism." We sent selected questions to Fabrice on August 19. Here are his answers.

Gutes Interview mit den Machern

› 2008/08/26


YouTube Comment Snob is a Firefox extension that filters out undesirable comments from YouTube comment threads. You can choose to have any of the following rules mark a comment for removal:

Eine Firefox-Erweiterung, die Troll-Kommentare ausblendet

› 2008/08/26


"Remember Knight-Ridder and AT&T's Viewtron from 1983? With a $900 terminal and $12 a month, you could access news from the Miami Herald and the New York Times, online shopping, banking and food delivery, via a 300-baud modem. After sinking $16 million a year into the project, Knight-Ridder shut it down in 1986. That's just the earliest of the 5 newspaper failures on the Web that Valleywag details in this post, writing: 'each tale ends the same way: A promising start, shuttered amid fear, uncertainty, and doubt.'"

Die ersten Gehversuche von Zeitungen im Internet. Allesamt nicht von Erfolg gekrönt. Startete bereits 1980.

› 2008/08/21


Ragnar Tornquist is respected as one of the best storytellers in today's game industry. He's done work on Anarchy: Online, Dreamfall, and upcoming MMO The Secret World. Rock, Paper, Shotgun has a lengthy three-part interview with Tornquist about how good stories are crafted, how they interact with other aspects of the games, and what his preferences are for building a compelling character.