
› 2008/10/15


Daniel Kraft von Reddot sagt, dass dabei das mittlere Management umgangen werde. Web 2.0 sei allerdings eine Generationen-Frage. Manager über 40 seien häufig Verweigerer, wollten nur ungern von der inzwischen schon guten alten E-Mail als Kommunikationsmittel lassen. Bentele: "Wir haben die Papier-Generation, die E-Mail-Generation, die Instant-Messanger-Generation und die Community-Generation." Letzterer gehöre die Zukunft.

Über die verschiedenen Generationen moderner Kommunikationsformen.

› 2008/10/13


Seriously. You could entitle the presentation, "How to do business in a world where rich backers are not just shoveling money at you," because that's essentially what it is.

About a presentation given by big VC's to web 2.0 startups.

› 2008/10/13

About the Debt Clock

› 2008/10/10

Mark Shuttleworth on the financial crisis

› 2008/10/10

Walmart maintains DRM servers.

› 2008/10/09

An American moving to Hamburg

› 2008/10/09


When I arrived in Hamburg, I felt somewhat disappointed in its lack of “Old European” history. I wanted to immerse myself in gothic architecture and struggling artists but found prostitutes instead.

An American moving to Hamburg.

Great reflections on Hamburg and emigration from a expatriates perspective.

› 2008/10/09

The financial crisis, as explained to a 14year old

› 2008/10/08


The authors feel strongly that the fact that real-world bullying strongly predicts cyberbullying and the parallels in behavior both suggest that cyberbullying may not actually be a distinct phenomenon. "These findings further underscore the continuity between adolescents' social worlds in school and online," they conclude.

Viele charakteristika von personeller kommunikation sind auch im internet zugegen.

› 2008/10/08


The Guardian has an interesting story on Vint Cerf, the 'father of the internet,' in which he says there's no silver bullet for scammers, spammers and criminals running zombie networks and porn-to-porn file swapping because 'the internet was designed that way.' Cerf adds, 'Like every medium, the internet can be abused. When we think about it, we can commit fraud locally and internationally using the telephone system and postal service.

spam, das Internet war so designed, dass spam möglich ist. es lässt sich nicht einfach so beheben.

› 2008/10/08

The insincere Mobile Market

› 2008/10/06


On Friday someone posted a false rumor that Steve Jobs had suffered a heart attack on CNN's unverified citizen journalism site, iReport. Apple's stock price went vertical, losing 9% before Apple stepped in and denied the rumor; the stock then recovered most of its loss. The SEC is investigating. PCWorld looks at the hit taken by citizen journalism as a result of this incident.

die macht, die durch citizen journalism entsteht.

› 2008/10/06


This is The Register's world-class investigative piece concerning one aspect of the meltdown on Wall Street ('naked short selling') and how the criminals engaged a journalist to distort Wikipedia to confuse the discourse. The article explicitly and formally accuses a well-known US financial journalist, Gary Weiss, of lying about his efforts to distort a Wikipedia page under assumed names, and accuses the Powers That Be in Wikipedia (right up to and including Jimbo Wales) of complicity in protecting Weiss. This is not another story about a 15-year-old farm kid in Iowa pretending to be a professor. This is like the worst Chomskian view of Elites manipulating mass opinion. But it is all documented

wikipedia, etc, being used for mass opinion manipulation. wikipedia hat viel mehr vertrauen, als z.B. das fernsehen, da es von "gleichgesinnten" geschrieben wurde

› 2008/10/01


Das Fernsehen könnte das theoretisch leisten, hat sich aber entschieden, für politische Themen höchstens eine Stunde am Stück freizuschaufeln. Diese Sendungen werden dann mit acht Gästen bestückt, jeder hat ein paar Minuten, um ein, höchstens zwei Thesen abzusondern, dann wird es ein wenig laut und dann ist auch gut. In Zeitungen wird nur eine Sicht vermittelt, dann werden ein paar Leserbriefe veröffentlicht, bestenfalls wird noch eine Gegenrede herausgegeben. Ein Buch vermittelt auf zweihundert Seiten nur eine Perspektive, dafür aber umso breiter. Blieben noch Fachzeitschriften. Metadiskussion! gibt es dafür Metapopcorn?

digitale medien gegen traditionelle medien bezüglich politik

› 2008/10/01

Google 2001

› 2008/09/30


Most Americans feel that companies should have a presence on social media sites, and many feel that they should actively interact with customers through those sites. Those are just some of the findings of the 2008 Cone Business in Social Media Study, which said that 93 percent of Americans expect to see companies online where the users are—on social networking and other media sites.

IMPORTANT! 93% der amerikaner meinen, dass es wichtig ist, dass unternehmen auch im social web präsent sind

› 2008/09/30

New Sascha Cohen Movie

› 2008/09/30


Patrons were lured to an event billed as cage fighting, held at a Convention Center, by print and Craigslist advertisements, promoting "hot girls", $1 beer and $5 admission. 1500 people attended the event, and were greeted by signs that informed them that they were being filmed. No cell phones, video, or cameras were allowed inside. Instead of hot girls and cage fighting, the acts taking place became homosexual in nature, and people threw chairs and beer at the performers.

New Sascha Cohen Movie.

The new Sascha Cohen aka Borat, Ali G Movie already made me smile. I have great expectations. I hope he won't someday get shot during his endeavours of exposing the ugly sides of society

› 2008/09/30

The Sarah Palin Quote Generator

› 2008/09/25


Saying that correcting misinformation does little more than reinforce a false believe is a pretty controversial proposal, but the claim is based on a number of studies that examine the effect of political or ideological bias on fact correction.

Wenn falsche Meinungen korrigiert werden, festigt man sie stattdessen.

› 2008/09/24


The results suggest that a familiarity with Windows dialogs have bred a degree of contempt and that users simply don't care what the boxes say anymore.

Most users are idiots.

This displays a problem I have long experienced myself. However being rather aquainted with PC's it didn't affect me too much. But someone without the obvious technical knowledige will likely just confirm every possible dialog, which explains the current state of virii, phishing and malware from a users point of view - without any major need of critizing the vendors.

› 2008/09/24

Most users are idiots

› 2008/09/22

Microsofts new anti-Get-A-Mac campaign was made on Macs.

› 2008/09/19

Windows 7