
› 2008/08/21


Twitter-Bashing von Bloggern ist das neue Blogger-Bashing von Journalisten.

Interessante Beobachtung zu Twitter.

› 2008/08/21


Ist unter solchen Bedingungen Journalismus noch leistbar?

Altmeppen: Klar ist er noch leistbar. Aber ganz gewiss kein qualifizierter Journalismus mehr. Manche Zeitungen wie die "Frankfurter Rundschau", aber auch Regionalzeitungen spielen mit dem Renommee, das sie sich geschaffen haben, wenn die redaktionellen Ressourcen derart stark beschnitten werden.

Prof. Altmeppen dazu, ob aufgrund von Anzeigenkrise o.A. Qualitätsjournalismus heute noch geleistet werden kann.

› 2008/08/21


fear of switching is the foundation of customer loyalty for PCs.

From a Get-a-Mac Add. Tough one.

› 2008/08/21

From a Get-a-Mac Add

› 2008/08/21


Nach dem Riesenerfolg der Twitterlesung, wo Blogger beschlossen hatten es toll zu finden sich gegenseitig Kurzmitteilungen mit der intellektuellen Fallhöhe von Einkaufszetteln vorzulesen, nun der nächste Hammer-Kulturevent: Landwirte aus Sachsen-Anhalt lesen ihre Lieblings-Wasserstandsmeldungen für die Flusschifffahrt aus drei Jahrhunderten.

Blogger Sven K. kritisiert den geringen Wert der Inhalte twitters. M. e. ungerechtfertigt, da er falsche Maßstäbe ansetzt. Twitter will nicht erstrangig Qualitätsjournalismus abdecken. Twitter deckt alle Kommunikation ab und dadurch nebenher auch Relevantes und Hinweise die dann als Grundlage für qualitativ hochwertige journalistische Produkte dienen können. Twitter ist eher ein digitales Pendant zu einer Freundesrunde / Stammtisch o.a. etwas, wo jeder einem begrenzten Publikum (d.h. im kleinen Rahmen) seine Gedanken mitteilen kann. Aber mit einer Archivierungsfunktion.

› 2008/08/20


Indeed, I'm in awe of the sheer brilliance of Weight Watchers in adopting the word points as its metric for measuring food. The word immediately shoves the user into the semantics -- and fun -- of gameplay. You regard losing weight as an intriguing challenge, as opposed to a mere grind. This puts me in mind of the talk that Jane McGonigal -- a brilliant and pioneering alternative-reality game designer -- gave at this year's South by Southwest conference. She argued that game designers ought to put their skills to use in the real world by reshaping dull, everyday activities into fun challenges. Why not a game that gives you points for walking your dog or jogging?

› 2008/08/20


In 2006, Rice experimented with a wiki for his Introduction to Political Science class. In addition to online articles, the wiki links to books at Project Gutenberg for older texts. This kept the students' reading list to below $40, an important consideration when tuition seems to go up every year. Students could also collaborate, posting class notes and helping to develop the course.

Collborative Wikis as an alternative to commercial academic TextBooks.

› 2008/08/20


The first is NewsCred, first launched privately in May and opened to the public today. NewsCred acts as a sort of news aggregator like Google News, except with a number of twists. For one, NewsCred allows you to choose among a handful of news and blog sources that you'd like to see news from. More importantly, however, is the fact that NewsCred uses an algorithm to rank stories on the page based on the credibility of the story, the publication, and then author.

Neue Angebote, die stärker auf credibility als Merkmal der Komplexitätsreduktion setzen.

› 2008/08/20


Most browser implementors are quick to adopt emerging Internet technologies, but Microsoft can't or won't make Internet Explorer a modern web browser.

IE Just Sucks.

› 2008/08/19

Insightfull comment from Wil Shipley which just about fits me i

› 2008/08/19


Folks are increasingly getting their news online as the popularity of traditional news outlets like TV, radio, and newspapers continues to decline. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press conducted its biennial survey of news consumption between April 30 and June 1 this year of 3,612 US adults. Pew named four distinct groupings of the news audience, and although all groups still rely on traditional media in some ways, online sources continue to gain traction—and from desirable demographics. That said, Americans still have some issues with the Internet as a news source, however.

Online News Consumption Gros - Despite Credibility Issues

› 2008/08/19


"One of the things that's happening in cloud computing and Web 2.0 is centralization," he said. "We need to think about what will make this web platform of the future open."

Tim O'Reilly on the future of the web.

› 2008/08/19


Rep. John Culberson (R-TX), a pioneer in using new media to communicate with constituents, sounded the alarm over the new rules via Twitter.

US Congressman uses Twitter

› 2008/08/19

Me in a YearBook

› 2008/08/19


There are really two reasons I'm single: (1) incredibly picky, (2) when I like a girl I tell her she's my goddess instead of ignoring her.

Insightfull comment from Wil Shipley which just about fits me in every single way. Sigh.

› 2008/08/19


Langsam hab ich den Eindruck, dass Tweets PR-Agenturen mehr in Panik versetzen als Blog-Einträge...

Thomas Knuewer über die Relevanz von Twitter für PR

› 2008/08/19


Twitter seems like a really stupid concept... and it is!  There's no reason anyone would want to spend their time reading and writing random, stream of consciousness microblogs.  Really.  I can't stop. 

I don't know what it is, but it's stupidly addictive.

Kurt Mackey on the Twitter addiction

› 2008/08/19


This thought re-surfaced when Techcrunch launched Crunchbase. Now, rather than linking directly to companies covered in its stories, Techcrunch links to one of its own properties to provide additional information about them. I noticed the same behavior the other day on the New York Times, when I followed a link, and was taken to a search result for articles on the subject at the Times (with lots of ads, even if there were few results). Journalism professor Jay Rosen noticed this too, and wrote the tweet that sparked this post: @NYTimesComm Could you try to find out for me why Week in Review pieces do not link out even when vital to the story?

Is linking to yourself the future of the web?

› 2008/08/18


I heard this stat last night: “6 of the top 10 sites are social apps” so I decided to check out out.  According to Alexa, this is correct:

Sehr interessant, um die Wichtigkeit sozialer Komponenten zu untermauern.

› 2008/08/18


NewsTrust is, to quote from the site's header, "Your guide to good journalism." Specifically, NewsTrust links to stories published both by well-known media and by less-known blogs, and asks its users to rank and review those stories on accuracy, balance, context, evidence, fairness, importance, information, sources, style, and trust.

› 2008/08/18


Social websites like Facebook and MySpace have attracted a great deal of attention as targets of opportunity for phishing scams, but they are scarcely the only two social networking sites. New information suggests that hackers have tuned in to the newfound popularity of microblogging, and are at the very least evaluating Twitter as a potential target.

Spammers target Twitter too.

› 2008/08/18


"You have already heard the news that the SCO Group's US$5 billion threat against Linux is effectively finished. It was the Web site that broke the news and posted the complete 102-page ruling; after that, it was picked up by mainstream media and trade press. In fact, it's Groklaw that has covered every aspect of SCO's legal fights with Linux vendors IBM , Novell and Red Hat and Linux users Daimler Chrysler and AutoZone ever since paralegal Pamela Jones started the site as a hobby in 2003. This feature does a great job of chronicling Groklaws' hand in the demise of SCO's case."

tolles beispiel, für die möglichkeiten die partizipation und verbreitungstechnologien erlauben.

› 2008/08/17


we have this joke which says 'Internet Explorer 7 is the best release we ever did,' because they would not have done it, if we would have not built Firefox

› 2008/08/16

Maxïmo Park - A Certain Trigger. Review.